Season four of espionage drama "MI-5" finds the team reeling from the loss of Danny (David Oyelowo), but thrown back into action when a bomb detonates near his funeral. Zafar Younis (Raza Ja...
The British espionage drama "MI-5", provides more shocking twists and turns in its third season. Tom Quinn (Matthew Macfayden) disappears following a shooting and new man Adam Carter (Rupert...
《My Mad Fat Diary》是英国E4频道在2013年最新推出的一个剧集,电视剧根据Rae Earl(Rachel Earl 出生于Stamford, England in 1971)一位英国作家,广播员的青春日记改编而成.(Rae Earl13 Decembe r 1971 age 43)国内各字幕组将其翻译成《肥瑞的疯狂日记》。故事发生在1996年的 Stamford, Lincoln...
Criminal lawyer Cleaver Greene defends the indefensible - from bigamists to cannibals and everything in between. He is champion of the lost cause, both in the court room and in the bedroom....