After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub and soon learns his sibling's death wasn't an accident....
An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowing revenge. It comes in the form of the gang-rape of a young mute (Heather) and her older siste...
一对热血虔诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而得罪黑帮,警署以正当防卫之名无罪释放。从此之后,二人决定以己之力对抗社会渣滓,购买武器以暴制暴,在朋友洛克(大卫·德拉·洛克David Della Rocco 饰)的帮助下清除犯罪分子。联邦警探保罗·斯迈克(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)负责侦破案件,本来毫无头绪;但 在黑帮头子“老爸乔”(卡洛·罗塔 Carlo Rota 饰)雇佣了传奇枪手“公...
尽管父亲是著名的婚外情调查专家,尽管见识过了无数的忠贞感情最终化为泡影,艾莲(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)却依旧对爱情有着无限的期望和憧憬,她甚至觉得,只有那些明知不道德却还要迎难而上的恋情才能算的上是真爱。一次偶然中,艾莲结识了父亲的调查对象法兰肯(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)——一个在情场上如鱼得水的风流浪子。 艾莲捏造了虚假的身份,开始在法兰肯面前扮演起了神...