A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witness...
Luke (Elis James 饰)在不经意间发现自己成为一名银行劫匪的逃路司机和被怀疑是银行抢劫犯的女友的哥哥和所谓的朋友 - Jason(Kadiff Kirwan 饰),后来被逮捕后判在 Young Offender Institution Sunnybank View 服刑两年。更糟糕的是,Luke 还要和 Jason 住在同一间牢房。Luke 为此将不得不依靠杰森的街头智慧,让他得以在...
In the aftermath of Catherine's suicide, Detective John Cardinal outwardly accepts the evidence that she took her own life, but when he starts to receive taunting greeting cards blaming him for he...