In an adventure comedy, brothers Snot and Splash (R?k? and Roiskis) try to catch a thief who is stealing holes in town, only to end up saving the entire world from being sucked into a collapsing waste...
Inspector Joshi is a grieving father searching for his daughter Aruna, kidnapped years ago when she was six. In his despair, life converges with a recurring dream in which Joshi pursues a shadowy figu...
安吉丽娜·朱莉通过Netflix宣布,她将执导该公司出品的全新电影作品《First They Killed My Father》。影片聚焦红色高棉政权时期的柬埔寨,其养子马多克斯将出演。
影片改编自柬埔寨裔美国女性作家Loung Ung的回忆录《First They Killed My Father: A Daugher of Cambodia Remembers》,讲述了她在柬埔寨红色高棉...
Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of L...