Family Time is a 2023 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tia Kouvo in her feature directorial debut. Starring Leena Uotila, Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtil? and Tom Wentzel, the film follows an annua...
As his mother’s illness progresses, a wealthy young man hires a perfect caregiver. But their lives start to spiral into a deadly affair as the caregiver seemingly tries to make herself a permanent fac...
In a savage land where zombies roam freely - Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer is armed with machine guns, body armor and courage. He is on a mission to give his family a burial at sea. To reach the coast, he...
In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authorities, led by the aspiring clerk Jakub Marczak, bring...