Marie, an independent and militant sex worker who has never needed to rely on anyone, not even to raise her son. When the latter is thrown off his post-graduate cookery course, Marie is unable to make...
约翰·卡什(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)本是个阿肯色州乡村小子,儿时一场意外令他弟弟身故,从此他便活在父亲(罗伯特·帕特里克 Robert Patrick 饰)的谴责和嘲讽下无力翻身。爱音乐的他慢慢以乡村歌手成名,也有了自己的家庭,但外出巡演时偶然接触到毒品慢慢令他不能自拔,将他带入深渊。吸毒令妻子薇薇安(詹妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin 饰)带着孩子离开了...
Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of L...
《女生日记 之 做决定事务所》是一部以北大各色学霸怪咖的专业背景和人才资源为强大后盾的高原创性作品。中国版校园 生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory),最富喜剧色彩的“知乎式”精神启蒙,这是一部献给90后、00后的次世代青年的人生通关攻略。 当【北大青年严肃而邪典的趣味科学】遇见了【次时代青年的生活琐事和情感选择】院线级高制作 创作水准网剧...