In the middle of Nowheresville lives 16-year-old Mike who wants out of his crappy life - permanently! Spending his time devising ways to do himself in, he considers the fatal brain tumor in his head a...
一班自命不凡、高人一等的狐朋狗友,相约星期三晚举行“白痴晚宴”。规则非常简单,即是各人只须携一名“白痴之最”共赴晚餐,便能获得丰富奖品。参与者之一皮埃尔(蒂埃里·莱尔米特 Thierry Lhermitte饰)打算带着新认识的皮侬(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret饰)赴宴。皮埃尔本以为这个看似傻里傻气的皮侬,一定是最佳人选。然而他的如意算盘却完全落空,皮侬把关系颠倒了过来,反而让皮埃...
美国华盛顿特区,新一轮总统大选前两周。一桩耸人听闻的总统骚扰未成年少女的性丑闻事件,就在这切要关头被披露曝光,闹得沸沸扬扬。加上新闻媒体的大肆炒作,总统谋求连任的机会简直微乎其微。为了平息这场风波,总统紧急召见了老谋深算的政治顾问康拉德·布里恩博士(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)。善于操纵公众舆论导向的布里恩,在紧要关头很快献出一条“妙计”。为了转移公众对性骚扰事件的注意力,布...
Times are tough, listener-ship is down and Clarence Lindeweiler needs to come up with a plan to save his struggling alternative rock radio station......
Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumb...