The “Andor” series will explore a new perspective from the Star Wars galaxy, focusing on Cassian Andor’s journey to discover the difference he can make. The series brings forward the tale of the burge...
为了完成父亲的心愿,维克多(汤姆?汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)从故国乘坐飞机前往美国肯尼迪机场,但戏剧性的事情发生了:他被告知祖国发生政变,而他的身份证护照一一失效,同时他的签证也无法再使用。进退两难的维克多只有在机场滞留,等待新证件的办理。 但是,他在机场等待了整整9个月。在这9个月里面,他用机场的洗手间洗漱,在候机室睡觉,他已经学懂因地制宜,在机场照料自己的生活,甚至还找了一份建筑工地工...
A cinematic odyssey exploring David Bowie’s creative and musical journey.
From visionary filmmaker Brett Morgen and sanctioned by the Bowie estate.
Five years in the making and featuring never-b...
Mike Regan(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 饰)拥有他想要的一切:美满的家庭,一栋顶级的全智能别墅,而他的公司则将彻底改变航空业。直到他信赖的ITguy因为Regan一家的冷落而失去理智,开始跟踪他的女儿,监视他的生活….往日依赖的全智能家居和汽车系统如今成为最大的安全隐患。随着隐私的全面暴露,Regan一家陷入前所未有的恐慌,一场个人隐私和现代科技的博弈就此展开……...
Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Starring Demián B...