高中生朱诺(艾莲·佩奇 Ellen Page饰)大大咧咧,是个可爱的精灵鬼,正经历着青春期到成人的蜕变。这一天她突然做出决定:要和帅气的田径队员布里克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera饰)共尝禁果。朱诺这次可闯了大祸,她一不留心竟然珠胎暗结,接下来的麻烦可想而知。
纽约,一名女童在登上一辆汽车后遇害身亡,女警梅根(艾丽莎·杜什库 Eliza Dushku 饰)调查此案,她敏锐的意识到被害女童的姓与名以及案发地三者的首字母相同,但除此之外毫无线索,梅根为查案用尽办法,然而却一无所获,反而梅根本人的精神压力日渐累积,她开始看到被害女童的幻影,终于精力不支甚至选择自杀,最后不得不接受精神治疗。两年后,再次有符合首字母规律的女童被害案件发生,此时的梅根不顾上司反对,...
Mike and Eddie manage to track down the villain responsible for the death of Katie to exact their revenge, but all does not go according to plan in Rio against the backdrop of the World Cup....
In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and h...
In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and h...
In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and h...