Written by Tony Grounds and made by BBC Drama Production for BBC One, Our Girl will return to our screens with Two Section on an African mission, with a new female medic at their centre. Michelle Keeg...
Netflix将打造一部以女性为主角的硬动作片《凯特》(Kate),具有《杀死比尔》和《女囚尼基塔》的风格,“把凯特·布兰切特想象为李·马文带进一部硬汉动作惊悚片,女主角要在24小时之内解决自己的谋杀案”。不过大魔王并没有确定出演,片方将寻找合适导演和主演,明年4月开拍,成本约为2500万美元。剧本由Umair Aleem(《终极救援》)编写,制片人包括 Kelly McCormick(《极寒之城...
When Bentham DeQuetteville falls to his death from a roof after seeing a headless horseman, his aristocratic family seem more concerned about their forthcoming Civil War re-enactment than the incident...