Daniel Pierce博士(Eric McCormack)是一位专攻人类行为学的神经科学家,在芝加哥某大学里任教。他不仅对人类大脑的工作方式有着独特的见解,而且有一项独门绝活——他能够从他人不自觉的表情和下意识的动作中找出规律,从而洞悉对方说的是真话还是假话、想要隐瞒什么秘密。在本剧中,他将帮助联邦政府侦破一系列疑难案件(就像《超感警探》中的Patrick Jane一样)。
励精图治的马来西亚新总理上台,令滥用童工的各大美国服装集团颇感压力,这班时装界巨头谋划选出最无知愚蠢的男模刺杀马来西亚总理……戴瑞克?祖兰德(本?斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)是蝉联三届最佳男模的超级模特,但是在最近的模特盛典上,祖兰德的第四次荣誉被新人汉瑟尔(欧文?威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)夺走,失落的祖兰德又遭遇了三位死党意外身亡,连续打击之下,祖兰德返回矿区的家乡,但这里的一...
Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bo...
A rivalry forms between two teachers who are polar opposites: a strict, old-fashioned by-the-book instructor and his cheerful young counterpart interested in social media....