Repeat visits from an owl convince Paula in the gnome's reincarnation, Iván can't believe he killed a man, Fermin fights for his life while losing the paintings, the gang discovers a second do...
Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest f...
《好女孩的反抗》改编自同名纪实文学,讲述70年代几位《每周新闻》(News of the Week)的女雇员挑战行业惯例,与公司男员工进行斗争,最终成为媒体行业第一拨发起性别歧视诉讼女性。这部剧集是一部类似《广告狂人》这样的时代剧。本剧主演包括《丧心病探》(Backstrom)女主角吉纳维芙·安吉尔森(Genevieve Angelson)、《完美音调》(Pitch Perfect)女星安娜·坎普...